Cloudlet: An assistant for Google

Search assistance can be effectively provided by this wizard to search engines.

Cloudlet shows a tag cloud of words related to the terms provided in the search box. It differs from Google Suggest which displays the most frequent queries, but displays words semantically related to a query.

How does it work?

To build the tag cloud, the software searches for words that appear in the results, and the names of sites.
While the tag cloud of Wordpress uses tagq with which are filled the tags fields.

The more frequently a word appears, the larger it will appear in the list.

The program analyzes the results page displayed to create the cloud.
The author gives a hint to improve it: Change the preferences to display 20 or 100 pages of links, the result will be much more precise.

Examples and analysis

Searching for Ajax.

The words highlighted: JavaScript, Asynchronous, XML, are in the definition of the word.

The system is imperfect: XMLHttpRequest is absent, and commonly used words like better, few, should not be included in the cloud. Increasing the number of links per page of results should improve it.

Another example with the word Scriptol ...

Script is a programming language and word language, programming, compiler are actually present and highlighted. Similarly PHP and Web are highly relevant.

Related sites

We see the cloud above the horizontal menu with the options tag, site, net off.

The tag option displays - by default - relative terms. The site option gives the list of sites speaking the more about the research, so the more pages they have in the results.
Knowing the most involved sites proving another way to continue searching.

Off turns off the cloud and net gives the extension.

Specialized search in blogs have an additional option for the author.
And Google News has an option for the source and the location.


Cloudlet is not simply a tool for search, is a wizard that provides an explicit view on a search term. It tells you how to refine your search by showing different ways to pursue it. It is provided for free by the ISPEI (International Software and Productivity Engineering Institute), a company in Ukraine.

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